/ summer 2020 / Reviews

Airfoil: Origins

Brandon Tusk is a librarian and single father, but a mysterious medallion changes his life by giving him the power to manipulate gravity. This allows him to fly, stop bullets, and fight crime as a new superhero. Airfoil: Origins by Steve Rzasa follows this exciting adventure of a man discovering his new identity and learning whether he’s suited for the task of crimefighting. Evil villains, family struggles, and a dynamic arch-nemesis make this superhero story a fast-paced and engaging read. A few technical issues slightly buffet the flight, such as typos and possible timeline glitches, but overall Airfoil: Origins soars high above such concerns.

Best for: Fans of comics, superheroes, and the ongoing fight of good against evil.

Discern: Some non-graphic sexual content, language, and lots of violence.

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